A Practice for Everyday Life

ELLE Play Client exclusive

ELLE Play Display

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

ELLE Play Display Uppercase


ELLE Play Display Lowercase


ELLE Play Display Latin


ELLE Play Display Numerals & Fractions


ELLE Play Display Punctuation, Symbols, Currency & Math


Elle Play Display Ligatures

ff ffi ffl fi fl ft tt

APFEL designed a bespoke headline typeface for ELLE Magazine, which made its debut in the September 2017 UK issue as part of a major editorial redesign by Tom Meredith, ELLE UK Creative Director. Using a geometric structure similar to that of Futura as the design's skeleton, we developed a sharp yet playful sans-serif typeface, incorporating a range of alternate glyphs which would add further character and detail to headlines.

The typeface was designed to work well alongside the lettering of the masthead, whilst remaining distinct. It positions itself somewhere between a serif and a sans serif in terms of tone, through the use of heavily contrasting strokes. The democracy of character visible in typography from early ELLE Magazine issues from the archive is further emphasised within the new typeface, which can be used for headlines in either upper or lower case.

Along with ELLE UK, the typeface has been used across twelve international editions.

For more details on commissioning a custom typeface, please contact n@apracticeforeverydaylife.com