Conceived by the artist Simon Moretti during spring 2020, the exhibition Crocodile Cradle is held on three platforms: a filmed online performance, a publication, and a text collage installed on PEER's glass façade in east London. Moretti invited 51 artists, including Fiona Banner, Tacita Dean, Lubaina Himid and Cerith Wyn Evans, to supply a text that they have written or found, exploring the articulation of social connection during a period of enforced distance.
Across both the publication and window, the layouts are guided by the contributors or directly respond to the content of each text, using Cormorant Garamond as the primary typeface. The contributions are brought together as a single graphic on the window, while in the publication, they are each given an individual page for their responses. The jacket cover included a redrawing of a 1960s typeface to form a graphic illustration of the title, printed in green on the bright mustard jacket material. Inside, the layouts are printed in greyscale to tie the texts together, with key moments in green to bookend the contributors’ script.