A Practice for Everyday Life

Jill Macnair is an interior designer based in Peckham, South East London. Working with private clients and architects, she collaborates closely with them and translates their idiosyncratic tastes and needs into environments that are thoughtfully tailored and beautiful. We developed a custom logotype for Macnair, using clean sans serif title type incorporating classical proportions and characteristics from early geometric typefaces. The resulting letterforms are elegant but distinctive, with subtle ornamentation.

The logo is arranged in a stacked formation, alluding to its existence within a space or room. The colour palette used within the identity, stationery and website was developed through close consultation with Macnair, to reflect the central role that colour plays within her practice. The planes of solid colour within her stationery are inspired by the colour-blocked textiles she commissioned for a recent project. The website extends this use of colour in conversation with project imagery, to create an evocative atmosphere.